
Piston Filling Machine

Model No.: VFFS-L100 / VFFS-L300


As one of the most typical vertical forms fills seal machines, Spack’s automatic Piston Filling Machine machines provide an affordable and reliable liquid filling solution.

With the rugged structure and smooth operation, our volumetric packing machines will enhance your packing convenience.


  • High versatility, speed, and precision in filling liquid products.
  • Accurate liquid dispenses to volumetrically achieve your desired weight.
  • Easy-to-remove modular devices for easy maintenance.
  • Dependable materials and construction to ensure long-term performance.
  • Date printer (MFG/EXP), available in multiple-column printing at once.
  • Easy tear opening module, for tear notch making.
  • Hole punching device, for single or more holes cutting in circular, ellipse, or euroslot shapes.
  • Touch screen, with multilingual function setting for easy operation.
  • Linking bag device, for automatic bag sealing.
  • Inverter system, to change direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC).
  • Photoelectric sensor, to monitor the length of the bag.
  • Material conveyor, to deliver packing contents.
  • Supporting working platform (TWP), to provide a place to work in a high position.
  • Finished product conveyor, to deliver packages.
  • Liquid warmming system.
  • Liquid mixer.

Material de película

  • A película laminada, a película de papel laminado, a película de folha de alumínio

Características opcionais

  • Orifício para pendurar, ranhura euro, pega de transporte, válvula de desgaseificação, entalhe para rasgar, fecho de correr, bico

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