Упаковочная машина для пакетов с плоским дном

For those brands using square-bottom stand-up style bags, we have block bottom bag packing machines to pack your products.

Flat Bottom Pouch Packaging Machine

// Block Bottom Pouch Style

The square bottom bag combines the features of the stand-up pouch and gusset bag to hold items in big quantities with stable convenience.

With a flat bottom, this kind of pouch stands upright and strong to grab attention. And such an impressive bag is produced with metalized layers and laminations for dry and sanitary preservation.

With these features, block bottom pouches are the best picks for the food, detergent, and coffee industries.

Spack has the machines you need to accommodate flat bottom bags. And our equipment can package any bulk items into the pouch with increased efficiency.

Can’t find a suitable block bottom bag packing solution?

Contact our engineers with full expertise to start a free machine consultation.

Extra Capacity

Bigger bag volume to pack more products.

Eye Catching

Upright stand-up on shelves with strong existence.

More Ad Space

Extra panels for branded graphics or labels.

Материалы и функции, которые мы поддерживаем

Материал пленки

Ламинированная пленка, ламинированная бумажная пленка, пленка из алюминиевой фольги, большинство пленок с функцией термозапечатывания и толщиной 4-12C.

Дополнительные функции

Отверстие для подвешивания, еврослот, ручка для переноски, дегазационный клапан, надрез, молния, носик, в соответствии с вашими требованиями.

Галерея образцов сумок с ластовицей

Flat Bottom Pouch Packaging
Flat Bottom Pouch Packaging
Gusset Bag Packaging Machine
Flat Bottom Pouch Packaging

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