
How Automated Packaging Helps the Pharmaceutical Industry?

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Pharmaceutical Industry

Outubro 13, 2022

The pharmaceutical industry is a highly competitive field, and in order to stay ahead of the competition, pharmaceutical companies must find new and innovative ways to pack their products.

Automated packaging systems are one way that pharmaceutical companies can improve their production efficiency and maintain a competitive edge.

Automated packaging systems can provide pharmaceutical companies with a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased production speed and efficiency
  • Reduced packaging costs
  • Improved product quality
  • Enhanced safety and security

By investing in automated packaging, pharmaceutical companies can improve their bottom line while also providing their customers with better-quality products.

We will elaborate on these points as we go through the blog.

Role Packaging to the Medical Industry

Packaging is not only a way to preserve and protect pharmaceutical products, but it also plays an important role in the marketing and promotion of these products.

The US government strictly requires FDA approval. As for the other countries, there are other regulations to ensure the safety and efficiency of the product.

In addition, pharmaceutical packaging must be designed in a way that is tamper-evident and child-resistant.

Packaging must also be able to withstand the rigors of shipping and storage, as pharmaceutical products are often transported long distances before they reach the consumer.

Automated pharmaceutical packaging systems are designed to meet all of these requirements and more.

What are the risks of not automating the packaging system for the Chemical and Medical Industries?

Pharmaceutical Industry

1) Overdosing

Medical and pharmaceutical companies must be very careful when it comes to the packaging of their products.

If a pharmaceutical product is not properly packaged, it could lead to serious health consequences, such as overdose.

Incorrect dosages are one of the most common mistakes made in pharmaceutical packaging.

By investing in an automated pharmaceutical packaging system, companies can reduce the risk of human error and ensure that their products are properly packaged.

2) Underdosing

In addition to the risk of overdose, pharmaceutical companies also face the risk of underdosing.

Underdosing occurs when a pharmaceutical product does not contain enough of the active ingredient to be effective.

This can often happen when pharmaceutical products are not properly packaged.

By investing in an automated pharmaceutical packaging system, medical companies can reduce the risk of underdosing and ensure that their products are properly packaged.

3) Contamination

Another risk associated with pharmaceutical packaging is contamination.

Contamination can happen when pharmaceutical products are not properly sealed or when they come into contact with other products during shipping and storage.

Contamination can also occur when pharmaceutical products are not properly sterilized.

4) Poor Shelf Life

Shelf life is the amount of time a pharmaceutical product can be stored before it expires. Poor shelf life is often the result of poor packaging.

If pharmaceutical products are not properly packaged, they will degrade more quickly and will have a shorter shelf life.

What are the Advantages of Automated Packaging to the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry?

Pharmaceutical Industry

There are many advantages of automated pharmaceutical packaging, but we will focus on the most important ones:

Helps speed up the packaging process

Automated pharmaceutical packaging systems can greatly increase the speed and efficiency of your production line.

These systems can handle multiple products at once and can quickly and easily change between different packaging configurations.

This flexibility allows pharmaceutical companies to keep up with changing consumer demands and respond quickly to new market opportunities.

Reduces packaging costs

One of the biggest advantages of automated pharmaceutical packaging is that it can help reduce your packaging costs.

Automated packaging systems are very efficient and can reduce the amount of material needed to package your products.

In addition, these systems can help eliminate waste and improve your overall production yield.

Improves product quality

Pharmaceutical Industry

Another advantage of automated pharmaceutical packaging is that it can improve the quality of your products.

These systems can provide pharmaceutical companies with a number of quality control advantages, including:

  • The ability to track and trace every product
  • Better batch control
  • Reduced packaging defects

All of these factors can lead to improved product quality and customer satisfaction.

Ensures safety and contamination-free products

When it comes to pharmaceuticals, ensuring safety and contamination-free products is of utmost importance.

Automated packaging machines help to eliminate the chances of human error, thus ensuring that products are packed correctly and safely.

Máquinas de embalagem also have integrated quality control features that can detect any errors in the packaging process, thereby ensuring that only perfect products are shipped out.

Let’s take this video about packaging masks for example: How to pack masks in the pouch | Disposable medical N95 KN95 mask packaging machine manufacturer

Automated packaging machines can be used for a variety of medicinal products pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and other health products

Estes machines are designed to work with a wide range of product sizes and shapes and can be quickly and easily reconfigured to accommodate different product types.

Este flexibility allows pharmaceutical companies to pack a variety of products on the same packaging line, which can further improve production efficiency and reduce costs.

Automated packaging is often custom-made to meet specific needs and requirements

Different pharmaceutical products have different packaging requirements.

Automated pharmaceutical máquinas de embalagem are often custom-made to meet the specific needs of each pharmaceutical company. There are different packaging  machines for different products such as:

  • Capsules
  • Tablets
  • Pós
  • Injections
  • Ointments

Each type of pharmaceutical product requires a different type of packaging machine.

Custom-made automated pharmaceutical packaging machines are designed to meet the specific needs of each pharmaceutical company, ensuring that their products are packed correctly and safely.

Moreover, at the height of the pandemic, there is also an increase in the demand for sanitation products. Many medical and pharmaceutical companies are considered pocket-size sanitizers to make it easier for customers to carry them anywhere.

Here’s how the Spack machine produces sachet-packed sanitizers: How to pack hand sanitizer in a sachet? | Hand wash alcohol gel sachet packaging machine manufacturer

Strengthened Standardization and Efficiency

Pharmaceutical Industry

In the pharmaceutical industry, it is crucial to have a standardized process in order to maintain efficiency and product quality.

Automated pharmaceutical packaging machines help to ensure that products are packed according to strict standards and procedures.

This standardized process not only improves product quality but also helps to ensure a quick and efficient production process.

Enhances product serialization and traceability

In recent years, there has been an increased focus on product serialization and traceability in the pharmaceutical industry.

This is in response to the growing problem of counterfeit pharmaceuticals. Counterfeit pharmaceuticals are dangerous and can cause serious health problems.

In order to combat this problem, pharmaceutical companies are now required to serialize their products.

Automated pharmaceutical packaging machines help to ensure that products are properly serialized and can be traced back to their source.

This traceability is important in ensuring that only safe and genuine pharmaceuticals are available to consumers.

Concluding Thoughts

Automated pharmaceutical packaging machines offer a number of advantages to pharmaceutical companies, including increased production efficiency, improved product quality, and enhanced product serialization and traceability.

Estes machines help to ensure that pharmaceutical products are packed correctly and safely, according to strict standards and procedures.

Automated pharmaceutical packaging machines are an essential part of the pharmaceutical industry and play a vital role in ensuring the safety of pharmaceutical products.

Como é que a Spack Machine pode ajudar?

Máquina de espátula is a packaging machine manufacturer.

We offer a wide range of pharmaceutical packaging machines, including capsule filling machines, powder packing machines, Horizontal Premade Bag Packing machines, Collar Type Packing machines, Flow Wrapping machines, Rotary Pouch Packing machines, and Vertical Packing machines.

When it comes to chemical and medical pouch packaging, Spack has options that are both hygienic and CE-certified, meaning they adhere to international norms.

Whether your pharmaceutical or nutraceutical product is granular, liquid, or solid, our pouch form fills seal machines can efficiently and precisely package it for you.

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    Leon Liu

    Leon Liu


    Olá! Chamo-me Leon, sou um gestor técnico de vendas experiente com mais de uma década de imersão no sector das máquinas de embalagem. Atualmente, estou a colocar os meus conhecimentos ao serviço da Spack Machine, uma empresa líder na criação de soluções de embalagem inovadoras.

    O facto de ter uma base sólida de formação em integração mecânica e de ser adepto de ferramentas de marketing e de IA dá-me uma perspetiva única. Faço a ponte perfeita entre as facetas técnicas e comerciais das nossas ofertas. O meu principal objetivo? Criar soluções personalizadas que respondam às necessidades específicas dos nossos clientes, assegurando que beneficiam de uma maior eficiência e poupança de custos.

    No fundo, sou movido pela minha paixão em ajudar as empresas a aperfeiçoar os seus fluxos de trabalho de embalagem. Acredito firmemente numa abordagem que coloca o cliente em primeiro lugar, dando ênfase à criação de valor genuíno para os nossos parceiros.

    Gosto de estabelecer contactos com colegas profissionais do sector da embalagem e não só. Vamos colaborar e traçar um caminho para o crescimento mútuo!

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