Guide on Rollstock Packaging Machine

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Rollstock Packaging Machine

22 de mayo de 2022

Looking for a packaging solution that is both efficient and cost-effective?

Then look no further than roll stock packaging! This type of packaging consists of laminated film in one long, continuous sheet, with a sturdy central cardboard core – making it ideal for use with automated machines.

Plus, the highly usable structure of roll stock packaging makes it a wise choice for all types of different applications.

Need more information? Keep reading!

What is Rollstock Packaging Machine

Rollstock is printed and laminated film on a roll that is used with Form, Fill, and Seal (FFS) technology that forms the package, fills and closes the bag or pouch.

A roll stock packaging machine is a versatile tool that can be used to package a wide variety of products. It is important to choose the right machine for the job, as there are many different models on the market.

How does the roll stock packaging machine work:

Roll stock packaging is an excellent option for any automated machine because of its versatile construction.

The film is formed into the shape of a tube (pouch) using the Vertical Form Fill and Seal (VFFS) machine application. The pouch is then filled vertically with the product before being sealed.

The process of filling a bag that is being created at the same time is distinct from filing a bag that has already been completed.

The term “roll stock” refers to the material that is used in Vertical Form, Fill, and Seal (VFFS) machines. These machines are able to package a wide variety of consumer products, the majority of which are sold in loose form.

Some examples of these products include cereal, chips, nuts, coffee, alimentos para mascotas, detergent, and candies. After being shaped into pouches, these components are distributed and put into them in a vertical manner before being sealed.

Creating professional-quality packaging is as easy as clamping on a cardboard tube and feeding film through a manufacturing or packaging line.

When it comes to a broad range of products or food varieties, roll stock provides flexibility. It has airtight and watertight sealing that covers the whole pack.

Cómo envasar cacahuetes y anacardos en bolsa a alta velocidad | Envasadora Spack Machine

Advantages of Rollstock Packaging Machine

Rollstock Packaging Machine

There are tons of advantages that roll stock máquinas de envasado have over other types of machines.

These advantages make this type of machine one of the most popular on the market. Here are some of the advantages:


This machine can package products much faster than other types of machines. If you need to package many products in a short amount of time, this is the machine for you.

Protection for longer shelf life

Roll stock packaging offers excellent protection from the elements and other potential damage. This makes it a great choice for products that need to be displayed on store shelves, such as food items.


When using this machine, there is no need to package individual products one by one. This can save a lot of time and frustration, especially if you are packaging large quantities of products.

Reduce labor cost

Rollstock Packaging Machine

Another great advantage of roll stock packaging machines is that they can help reduce labor costs. This is because these machines can do the work of multiple people in a fraction of the time.

If you’re interested in learning more about roll stock packaging machines or are ready to purchase one for your business, be sure to contact Spack Machine today.

Disadvantages of Rollstock Packaging Machine

Although roll stock packaging machines offer many advantages, there are a few disadvantages to using this type of machine. Here are some of the disadvantages:

Limited to certain bag types

​​The roll stock packaging machine is perfectly suitable for pillow bags, stick packs, three side seal bags, four side seal bags, and gusset bags.

But for block bottom bags, quad seal bags, and doypack, it’s better to use premade bags and run through the premade bag packing machine.

High initial cost

Rollstock packaging machines can be quite expensive, especially if you need to purchase multiple machines. However, the high initial cost is often offset by the time and money that these machines can save in the long run.

Para llevar

The roll stock packaging machine is a great choice for any business looking to increase efficiency and reduce costs. With its high quality and versatility, it’s a great choice for any business looking to increase efficiency and reduce costs.

Máquina Spack is a reliable company providing packaging services and we have a rolling stock packaging machine should you need one!

For more information on our services, please visit our website or contact us today.

Thank you for reading! We hope this blog post was helpful in informing you about the roll stock packaging machine. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below or contact us directly.

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    Leon Liu

    León Liu


    ¡Hola! Soy León, un experimentado Director Técnico Comercial con más de una década de inmersión en el sector de la maquinaria de envasado. En la actualidad, pongo mi experiencia al servicio de Spack Machine, líder en la creación de soluciones de envasado innovadoras.

    Mi sólida formación en integración mecánica y mi dominio de las herramientas de marketing e inteligencia artificial me dan una perspectiva única. Soy un puente perfecto entre las facetas técnica y comercial de nuestras ofertas. ¿Mi objetivo principal? Crear soluciones a medida que se adapten a las necesidades específicas de nuestros clientes, garantizando que se beneficien de una mayor eficiencia y ahorro de costes.

    En el fondo, me mueve la pasión por ayudar a las empresas a perfeccionar sus flujos de trabajo de envasado. Creo firmemente en un enfoque centrado en el cliente y en la creación de valor real para nuestros socios.

    Aprecio las conexiones con compañeros profesionales del ámbito del envasado y más allá. Colaboremos y tracemos un camino de crecimiento mutuo.

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